
My role:
This was the final project for the Master’s Degree in Computer Graphics, Videogames and Virtual Reality at the Rey Juan Carlos University. I was the only developer of the project that was coded under C# with Unity 3D
Marcos García was my tutor during the project that helps me to focus on the final objective of the project and to include the needed scientific quality.
Maintenance manuals are a recurrent topic in the literature of augmented reality (AR), being a very desirable product however it has not yet reached market.
Most initiatives are aimed at maintenance manuals of large machinery with proprietary software. This project aims to create a maintenance manual with hardware (smartphone with Android) and software (Unity3D and Vuforia) current and low cost.
It also defines a manual production process with an open, extensible and simple architecture. The implemented manual has not been planned as a simple example of manual or the proposed production process, but also provides all the base to edit any type of maintenance manual in a simple and without programming knowledge, thanks to the editor of Unity3D. This project is expected to provide a base and methodology for this type of manual so it can be developed systematically reducing cost and allowing to reach all the public.