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My role:

This was my final project for the Degree of Industrial Technical Engineer in Electronics. I developed it with my colleague Fernando. 

We together create everything from scratch the mechanical design, de electronic design and all the coding under assembly code for Microchip and Visual Basic.


The project consisted of creating a microrobot that follows a line with several sensors and motors, it also had auto-oriented solar panels and could be controlled remotely.
The project needed two micropick processors, control 21 sensors of colour and 4 luminosity sensors.

It already has 4 motors of different types as a technical challenge, to control the more common types of electric motors. The first one was a CC motor controlled by PWM, the second one is a PAP motor and finally, 2 servo motors were included. I also did the team management role in the project. 

The project received a price in 2004 as the second-best project of the University of Burgos by the Official Industrial Engineers of Burgos and Palencia.

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