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Scientific Publications


Mi Google Scholar profile:



Carlos Alberto Catalina Ortega, Marteyn van Gasteren, Svjetlana Kolić-Vehovec, Viola Pinzi, Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, Eva Paloma Ferrer y Jevgenijs Danilins (2018) “EConfidence, Serious Games para cambiar comportamientos”. Comunicación y Pedagogía – Especial Aumentame EDU 2018


María Vega López González, Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, Marta Martín del Pozo, Verónica Basilotta Gómez-Pablos y Carlos Alberto Catalina Ortega (2017) “Métricas para la evaluación y análisis de Serious Games. Aportaciones en base al Proyecto eConfidence”. EDUNOVATIC 2017, 1039-1045. 2nd Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT 12 – 14 December, 2017.


López García, C., Catalina Ortega, C. A., & Zednik, H (2017) “Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Estratégias de Metodologias Ativas nas Aulas sobre Meio Ambiente”. Informática na Educação, 20(1), 46-59. Retrieved from


Carlos Catalina Ortega, C. López García y H. Zednik (2016) “Aplicación de la Realidad Virtual y Aumentada en actividades para dinamizar las aulas sobre Medio Ambiente”. XXIV Ciclo de Palestras sobre Novas Tecnologias na Educação. Premiado como Best Paper. Pp. 41-50


Saracchini, R. F., Catalina, C. A., Minetto, R., & Stolfi, J. (2016) “Real-Time Visual Odometry by Patch Tracking Using GPU-Based Perspective Calibration”. In International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics (pp. 475-492). Springer, Cham (2016, February).


Carlos Catalina Ortega y C. López García (2016) “La integración de la Realidad Virtual en educación: un reto por alcanzar”. Comunicación y Pedagogía, 287-288, pp 92-98


Rafael Saracchini, and Carlos Catalina Ortega. (2015) “An augmented reality platform for wearable assisted living systems.” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science 9.1 (2015): 56-79.


Rafael Saracchini, Carlos Catalina Ortega, Luca Bordoni (2015) “A Mobile Augmented Reality Assistive Technology for the Elderly”. Comunicar, 45, pp 65-74. DOI: 10.3916/C45-2015-07


Rafael Saracchini, Carlos Catalina Ortega (2014) “An Easy to Use Mobile Augmented Reality Platform for Assisted Living Using Pico-projectors”. Lecture Notes on Computer Science –  Computer Vision and Graphics, 8671, pp 552-561, Springer International Publishing. Ver Revista


“JVRC 2012” (Joint Virtual Reality Conference): Demo aplicación estarteco Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 17 October 2012

Presented Demos: estARteco: Augmented Reality to Ecosystem Service (Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León (ITCL)



Dissemination Publications

“Realidad aumentada: su impacto en la formación”. America Learning & Media en Latinoamérica. Nº 4. 2011


“Realidad aumentada para el cuidado del medioambiente”. America Learning & Media en Latinoamérica


Catalina C.A. “estARteco, un juego formativo gratuito con realidad aumentada”. Revista CyL Digital, num. 6. Junta de Castilla y León. Observatorio Regional de la Sociedad de la Información (ORSI). Ver Revista


Catalina C.A. “TextoSign: Traductor de texto a lengua de signos” Revista CyL Digital, num. 3. Junta de Castilla y León. Observatorio Regional de la Sociedad de la Información (ORSI). Ver Revista


Catalina C.A. ¿El 3D se limita a las películas como Avatar? Revista CyL Digital, num. especial. Junta de Castilla y León. Observatorio Regional de la Sociedad de la Información (ORSI). Ver Revista



II Congreso Virtual Internacional de Educación, Innovación y TIC – EDUNOVATIC 2017

María Vega López González, Ana García-Varcáncel Muñoz-Repiso, Marta Martín del Pozo, Verónica Basilotta Gómez-Pablos, Carlos Alberto Catalina Ortega. “Serious games evaluation and analysis metrics: Contribution for eConfidence project”. II Congreso Virtual Internacional de Educación, Innovación y TIC. 12-14 diciembre, 2107. Madrid, España

When we talk about Serious Games, we refer to games whose main goal goes beyond pure entertainment in order to research the area of education and training. In this line, eConfidence Project is carried out: a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No 732420. Its purpose is analyzing the benefits which could be obtained through the use of Serious Games to change teenager
student’s behaviour and attitudes related to bullying and safe use of Internet.
To know the quality of this kind of these kinds of games and estimate their effect on behaviour changes, we need specific and concrete analysis indicators, called metrics. Software designers and educators work together on the definition of these parameters with two primary purposes: decide whether or not they will be able to provide the information needed to achieve the stated goals, and assure the consumer retention and monetization for the
software design company.

EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare


Simulator of behavioural aspects for safer transport

Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum, Carlos Alberto Catalina, Lior Limonad, Bertil Hök, Gianluca Di Flumeri. “Cloud-based Data Analytics on Human Factor Measurement to Improve Safer Transport”. In 4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare October 24–25, 2017. Angers, France, At Angers, France. Projects

Abstract: Road transport is known to be the most dangerous of all transport modes and poses a major societal challenge for EU. It has been claimed that 90% of road-traffic crashes are caused by driver error, being unsafe behaviour a significant factor in traffic accidents. Improving road safety means understanding the individual and collective behaviour of actors involved (drivers, two wheelers, pedestrians) and their interaction between themselves and safety-related systems and services. The goal of SIMUSAFE (SIMUlator of Behavioural Aspects for SAFEr Transport) following the FESTA-V model methodology is to develop realistic multi-agent behavioural models in a transit environment where researchers will be able to monitor and introduce changes in every aspect , gathering data not available in real world conditions.
Driving simulators of several vehicles (cars, motorcycles, bicycles) and Virtual Reality (for pedestrians) will be used to simulate test environments. This will also enable the evaluation of scenarios which are not possible even with naturalistic driving (dangerous conditions, multiple monitored actors in the same scene, under influence of substances). Data collected from simulations will be correlated with naturalistic driving tests, such that the simulation and model aspects are the closest possible to real world data. From the developed model and collected data, impacting factors causing an event (crash, nearcollision, infractions) from the environment and road users will be identified and quantified. Such knowledge will be the base for the development of more effective and pro-active measures for the prevention and mitigation of such factors, with subsequent impact in the safety devices market, regulations and driver education.



Rafael F. V. Saracchini, Carlos C. Ortega. “An Easy to Use Mobile Augmented Reality Platform for Assisted Living Using Pico-projectors”

Abstract: We present in this paper an easy to use Computer Vision based platform for real-time 3D mapping, and augmented reality in indoors environments and its innovative application in Assisted Living. The information is displayed to the user by projecting it into the environment by a wearable device with embedded pico-projector. The system does not need markers or complicated set-ups, using low cost off-the-shelf equipment. It is also robust to small changes of the environment, and can make use of surrounding objects to provide more stable camera tracking. Pilot tests in health care centres and residences demonstrated the efficacy of the initial prototype.

Maite Cobo, Carlos A. Catalina, Rafael F.V. Saracchini, Nacodeal Natural communication Device for Assiting Living. Poster and presentation at congreso de Investigación y Envejecimiento: una respuesta multidisciplinar. Diciembre 2013


R. Saracchini, C.A. Catalina-Ortega, M. Cobo-Abeytua, Social interaction Nacodeal , AAL Forum, September 2012

Bordoni L., Scocchera F., Sdogati C. Carlos Alberto Catalina-Ortega, Maite Cobo. Elderly with temporary memory loss: the nacodeal scenario, AAL Summit Bilbao, June 2012



Catalina Ortega C.A. “IDE para creación de manuales con Realidad Aumentada para PC y PDA” JOREVIR 2009: Third conference on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments

Abstract: This article will show the development of an augmented reality interactive manual editor (ECRAM). The interactive manuals are one of the most interesting applications that can be developed with this technology, however they have several problems when it comes to their application in industrial environments. This project aims to reduce the impact of two of them: the need for expert programmers to create an operations manual and the amount of time needed to create them. As a solution to this problem ITCL has developed a first version of an operations editor that, in an easy way and without the need of specific knowledge, allows to create the steps to carry out an operation and to be able to visualize it in a PC or a PDA.

Keywords: augmented reality, maintenance, prevention, training, graphic engine, 3D.


Catalina Ortega C.A. “Simulador de carretillas elevadoras” JOREVIR 2009: Third conference on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments

Abstract: Las carretillas elevadoras son uno de los elementos que más accidentes provocan en los entornos industriales. Una de las herramientas para paliar los efectos de estos accidentes así como disminuir su número, consiste en proporcionar una mejor formación a los operarios que emplearan estas máquinas. Para ello se ha creado un simulador de carretillas completo con una cabina de una carretilla real sensorizada que es manejada por el operario a formar, este visualiza el entorno gracias a un casco de realidad virtual y un sensor de seguimiento de cabeza.
Keywords: simulator, virtual reality, vehicle simulation, prevention, training, physics engine, graphics engine, 3D







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